Thursday, March 07, 2013

Thursday Book News

Thursday Book News isn't really an official thing, but I guess it could be.  Today in the first, or possibly only installment, I am bringing to your attention some interesting bookish stuff I've stumbled across. 

  • Over at Flavorpill, they are talking about redesigned book covers to replace iconic originals.  The full article can be found here.  I'm not sure exactly how I feel about most of them.  You see these artistically reimagined covers for books all the time. Sometimes they work, sometimes, they really don't.  In this article, I do kind of like the censored cover of  1984 and the Metamorphosis with the human eye and the insect eye.  
  • Of course, the absolute best of these, in a disturbing way, is the Elizabeth Perez Fahrenheit 451 cover. It's got a match in the spot for the one and the binding is made up of that stuff you strike a match with to make fire.  I think the concept is awesome, but the thought of bringing fire near my books I can not even bear.
  • Today at The Morning News it is the official start of The Tournament of Books.  The first rivals are The Round House by Louise Erdrich and The Fault in Our Stars  by John Green. I've only read the Green, but I loved it so much that I don't know how Erdrich's book can compare.  However, I will be requesting it from my library.  I never get to all of the books before the tournament starts, but the long list becomes my TBR pile and all of the final 16 contestants rise to the top of that list, and the books that win in each round, obviously jump to the very very top.  
  • Additional coverage of the Tournament of Books can be found at Book Riot.  I know I will be checking out their coverage of the books involved and the tournament.
That's all I have to report for now.  Happy Reading!


Unknown said...

Great Post. Like the idea of posting about book news.

JoanneMarie Faust said...

Thanks, Chelsea. I am reading book news and saving links all the time. I thought this might be a good way to share the information AND preserve it for me.