Tuesday, May 21, 2013

So Many Literary Links!

I have stumbled onto so many great articles today.  I guess, it's part and parcel of being a bookworm that I am the internet's willing victim.  I read and click and lose precious time, reading about books and authors and other readers. Since I've begun tweeting in earnest (well, earnest-ish) I've discovered so many new places and people to follow and read about.  This is probably why I avoided Twitter until now.  I'm drawing the line at Tumblr and Pinterest. I just can't afford another time suck.  It's crazy just how much time you can waste without even realizing that it's passing.  So, I'm not sure if this is a version of 'misery loves company' and I feel the need to suck you into the quagmire that I've found myself in, or not.  For my part, I like having the links that interest me here, where I can find them and, since I do like the idea that I am sharing them with others. Click, if you dare... and if you've got some more time to kill.

  • The Huff Post Books section had some really interesting stuff today.  First up, we've got Miss Leslie's Behavior Guide and her ways to treat a literary lady, as tweeted by The Lit Detective.  Also, there is a slide show of "Books Every Woman Should Read" and I am a sucker for a book list.
  • The Tangential has an article about the Ten Kinds of Book People to avoid. Anyone see themselves here?  I fear that, depending on the situation, I probably have a tendency to be a few of these. In my defense, I do think I am only one of them at a time... and never the hygienically challenged used bookstore person, or the book club one.
  • Salon has an article about the dangers of Book Blurbs.  It reminds me of the old Mad Magazine thing where they took a terrible review and made it seem favorable with the creative use of ellipses.  I've read a lot about blurbs that weren't really written by the people they were attributed to, but I still read them when they appear to have been written by someone who writes books that I like.  
  • Back over at the Huffington Post is an article about the Original Titles of Classic Books. The whole 'hindsight is 20/20' argument seems to not apply here, for me.  I identify the books so strongly by the titles I know, that I can't imagine better ones for them.  Some I kind of liked, or at least I thought they made pretty good sense, but I just can't imagine them. Kind of funny how that works, isn't it?
  • Since I am a huge fan of library porn, I wanted to be immediately transported to each of these Incredible Reading Rooms as presented by Flavorwire.
  • And, in that same vein, Buzz Feed has this post about 30 Places You'd Rather be Sitting Right Now.  How amazing!  Considering that I am so happy to be curled up in any of the book filled rooms in my house, or in the gazebo, or by the pool, or the cozy spots I imagine up for my yard. 
  • Flavorwire posted an article about author's whose work was inspired by dreams.  Admittedly, most of these seem like 'gimmes', they are so obvious.  However, Jane Eyre is one of my absolute favorite books and I think I need it to be more labor of love than product of dream.
I think that will do for the moment.  I am so far behind on my book thoughts (I have trouble really considering them reviews, since they tend to be so personal for me), but I hope to have one up later today.  Until then, happy reading  clicking!

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