Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Wednesday's Book Link Frenzy

I don't know how frenzied you are, but it's been about a week since I've posted book links that weren't strictly reading lists.  There are some really interesting news and editorial pieces on books floating around out there on the internet and I can't seem to get enough of them!

  • Bookish has an article about the weird sleep habits of fictional characters.  I'm not sure if the authors are using some kind of creative license to make their point, or if they are trying to avoid spoilers, but the Fight Club reference is very wrong.  Otherwise, it was interesting, and GIF filled, if you are into that kind of thing.
  • Michelle Dean posts at Flavorwire with 7 Things You Didn't Know About Margaret Atwood. I was shocked and ashamed to discover that Oryx and Crake was the first book in a trilogy and the final book was released yesterday! The 7 things were just gravy after that.  
  • Book Riot has a post entitled "And the Moral of the Story is..." 30 one sentence lessons from literature.  I love when you can break things down into their simplest essences of truth.  Rachel Cordasco totally does this with her moral of Hamlet, "Just make up your mind already, dude."  How perfect is the advice telling you with the choice of staying in Dracula's castle and the Holiday Inn, you should totally pick the Holiday Inn?  Jonathan Harker could have really used some of that insight.
  • Julianne Moore contributes over at Bookish and tells about her delight in discovering she had a kindred spirit in Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables and the other tales in the series.
  • Brain Pickings has this awesome post with Maurice Sendak's posters.  I look forward to the time each night when my wild reading rumpus begins.
  • Speaking of children's books, what do you think of these?  The Parks and Recreation characters as the stars of popular children's books. Aww, Leslie's Web.
  • Book Riot is talking about What to Do When You Get Bored With Reading.  Is this a real thing?  I think I sort of cheat my way out of it.  When I get burned out from the long books and the classics and the books that put you through the wringer emotionally and mentally, I find myself turning to YA books that I hear people raving over. They take up less of my time and brain power and I keep my sense of reading accomplishment.  The trouble comes when I look at my blog posts and I think to myself that I really need to read more big people books.
  • There's also this post at Book Riot called What Are Your Book Deal Breakers?  I can tell you that I want nothing to do with Dan Brown's books because he writes all of my deal breakers.  He paces the books really fast in the hopes you won't notice the ginormous plot holes. He's big on the male version of the Mary Sue, portraying an incredibly grating and pathetic glorified version of the author.  Others include the books that have people dying and imperiled because of some mystery from centuries ago.  Also, I don't care how much acclaim Once Upon a River got. I couldn't keep reading a book where that poor little girl was repeatedly abused by men as she fought her way up the river, hoping to reunite with her estranged mother.  Then, there are the books where the authors consistently misuse and make up words.  Sorry, I guess it's not a good idea to get me started on my book peeves.
  • Bookish has a post on The Best Misfit Crews in Sci-Fi and Fantasy.  Normally, I'd find myself wishing they'd include others, but in the case of this list, I'm so happy to reunite even for a moment with my memories of some of the crews on this list, I can't even think of others.
  • Flavorwire has these images of Vintage Penguin and Pelican books, just waiting for a bibliophile to start reading.
  • Messed up literary families are a dime a dozen, aren't they?  Author Callie Wright discusses her favorites in this Flavorwire article. 
  • Leila at Bookshelves of Doom has a post up entitled: Cori McCarthy's Top Seven Traumatizing (in a good way) Reads.  Jane Eyre is at the top of the list.  How could anyone not want to stick with Jane through that awful childhood as she just keeps struggling to make a life for herself.
  • Bookish's Twitter followers pick their Favorite Underrated Female Sleuths. I've hardly read any of these, which must change.  Oh, and Trixie Belden?! I loved her.  I inherited my aunt's handful of Trixie Belden mysteries and after devouring them, my mom was kind enough to get me the whole set. I can still picture the spines on the bookshelf hutch in my bedroom in Cottage Grove, Minnesota.
  • Oooh, here's Flavorwire's list of The 25 Best Websites for Literature Lovers.  You're welcome.
  • Have you seen this post at Buzz Feed of the 30 Best Places to Be if You Love Books? Seriously, I had a braingasm just scrolling through those pictures.  Not the bathroom one, though.  Have you ever had a moisture/humidity incident with a book and it grows to a million times its original size?  That looks like an accident waiting to happen, if you ask me.
  • Check out the artifacts from the New York Public Library's Children's Book Exhibition, via Flavorwire
  • Harper's Bazaar UK has a slideshow of their favorite Jane Austen movies.  The only version of Emma  that I like is Clueless, which I love.  Who can argue with the rest of this list, though?  
  • Check out Buzz Sugar's slide show of books to read before they hit the big screen.  A lot of YA here, but not all.  
And, that's going to do it for me, for now.  I've fallen so far behind in my reviews.  Do you think it could have something to do with me and these links?  

1 comment:

Hoda Katebi said...

This is a swell list! I must try some of them out!
Also, I really like the first photo!

P.S. Can't wait to see how your DIY skirt is coming along! Hope to see it soon! (Deadline is less than a week!)
