Friday, February 14, 2014

Book Links and Reading Suggestions to Keep You Warm this Winter

It's like an endless winter this year. I haven't been this cold since I lived in Minnesota.  The best part about it is that I spend plenty of time curling up with a good book in various snugly spots in my house.  I love spending a snowy day, curled up on the chaise in the sunroom, with the fireplace all alight.  Or, tucked into a comfy chair in my living room, surrounded by all the friendly books in the room with a cup of tea and a throw.  There are also the early nights, in a pair of flannel jammies, under the covers reading until I can't keep my eyes open anymore.  Maybe winter isn't all bad. Of course, I say that when I'm not navigating icy streets, or trying to stay warm outside on these single digit days.  Then, I'm not so pleased with the weather.  

Of course, no matter the weather, I am still drawn to the book links that turn up in my daily perusals of the internet.  So, here's the next dozen or so that I'd like to share with you.

  • Winter seems like the perfect time to fill the long nights with mystery stories.  Flavorwire posted this list of 50 Essential Mystery Novels That Everyone Should Read. I've only read 14 of these and have quite a few that have been languishing on my TBR list.  It looks like there are plenty of suspenseful books to get me through the wintry nights.
  • Have you seen the library poster Flickr stream?  They are WWI/WWII and other vintage themed posters to encourage reading and promote libraries. 
  • I know that April is Poetry Month, but there should always be a little time for poetry.  Actually, this is a Flavorwire post from some April or other. It's title, 10 Great Poems You Can Memorize Today. The Dorothy Parker is one of my favorites, although I do wish they'd included Resume.  There's an Edna St. Vincent Millay that's easier to memorize than my favorite, Love is Not All.  The Margaret Atwood reminded me of her six word memoir, "I wanted him. Got him. Shit."  
  • Not only do the people at Buzz Feed refuse to bother with negative book reviews, but they have people who love books and go the extra mile for some serious book dirt.  In this post wondering Is This What Holden Caufield Looks Like? A community poster follows up on a passage from Chapter 13 of Salinger's classic where the prostitute claims that Holden looks like an actor in a movie.  I guess I can see that.
  • Are you more of a high brow reader?  You enjoy your literary fiction, but thinking you might like to try a little fantasy.  Or, maybe you are sci-fi/fantasy fan and want to make a move into more literary fiction.  Well, Flavorwire has a list of 10 books that fit both bills.  I've read two of them, but I haven't heard  of most of the rest of them.  Of the two I read, I did really like American Gods and its kind of-sort of sequel, Anansi Boys.  In that same vein, Douglas Adams' Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul was such a great story involving the gods.  I read the Susannah Clarke book, too.  I know it was very popular, but I just thought it was okay.  
  • I love this particular link. A Buzz Feed Books community member posted the wonderful 9 Ideas for Random Acts of Literary Kindness.  I have all the Book Crossing supplies, but I'm always worried that I'd release a book into the wild and it wouldn't find a good home.  I want a world where doing something nice and putting literary good deeds out there is common.  I recently paid a youngster at the library's late charges. He was so adorable. I couldn't even believe that the librarian was being so mean to the poor little guy.   It's time to start keeping my eyes on opportunities to do literary good deeds.
  • I never knew a thing about The Secret World of Fore-Edge Paintings .  So, well kept secret as far as I'm concerned.  I would imagine this works best on the serious tomes.  Who knew there were more ways for books to be art?
  • Did you know there was a website called The Daily Eyre? I only discovered them after they discovered me.  I saw that they mentioned this blog in their twitter feed after I published one of my posts on the Septemb Eyre read along.  Apparently, they link to all Jane Eyre posts/mentions on the internet. I love me some Jane Eyre and it does my heart good to see that not only are there people out there every day reading and loving Jane Eyre, but there is a daily blog highlighting that love.
  • Have you given much thought to Neil Gaiman's greatness?  A Buzz Feed fellow, Jeremy Bender posted about 23 Reasons Neil Gaiman is the Coolest Author Around?  It may be hyperbole, but there are plenty of valid reasons here.  Gaiman is kind of amazing.  
  • You may want to wait until the nights get a little shorter before tackling this list of The 50 Scariest Books of All Time.  The books I've read from this list were pretty darn scary.  I'm not sure I'm up to tackling that many of the others.  Maybe, if I'm feeling brave and daring, I just might pick up some books from this list.
  • Here's a ranking of 20 Classic YA Literature Heroines.  This is a great list of the girls you loved to love in books.  I think that the Penderwick sisters should absolutely find their way into readers hands and hearts.  
  • Book Riot's chart to help you find your Potential Husband from YA Literature is just a starting point.  I think there are plenty of other possibilities to be considered.
  • My last link today is this post about 23 Famous Authors' Last Words.  
So, that's the links.  Happy Clicking!!!

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