Monday, March 25, 2013

Memoir Madness and Other Book Links

In today's Flavorpill email I was treated to an article called, 10 of the Juiciest Memoirs Written by Women  and it is a pretty good list.  At the end of the article, there were links to 10 of the Most Hilarious Memoirs You'll Ever Read, as well as 10 of the Best Memoirs about Mothers and 10 Great Memoirs by Musicians.    Of course, as is always the case with that great time suck called the internet, you can follow those links with endless others.  By the time you look up from your screen, you will have had a glimpse into every type of memoir written.

It's Day One of the semi-finals at The Morning News. Today's challengers in the Tournament of Books are The Orphan Master's Son and Building Stories.  Chris Ware's Building Stories moves on. It will be matched up against the number one zombie pick to see which book will duke it out for the championship. 

Over at the School Library Journal's blog, the amazing The Fault in Our Stars defeats Endangered.  You can check out the challenge here

The Daily Dose book of the day at Powell's is the wonderful Where'd You Go, Bernadette?  If you haven't read it yet, you definitely should.  Sure, it got beat out in the Tournament of Books by The Orphan Master's Son, but don't let that make you think twice about seeking this one out.

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